Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

NOTICE: Messages sent through the website are not monitored 24 hours a day. If you need to report a crime or need immediate assistance, call 712-279-6960.

If you have an emergency, call 911.

601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States


Support Service Bureau

Support Services Bureau

An essential part of the Sioux City Police team, the Support Services Bureau works with the officers of the department to help maintain records, process crime scenes, and tend to numerous administrative functions.

Captain Judy Kellen is Commander of the Support Services Bureau.


The accounting clerk handles accounts receivable and payable, administers payroll, processes medical and pension bills, facilitates the purchasing of needed items and keeps records for federal and state government grants.

Crime Analysis

The Crime Analysis Unit is made up of a Law Enforcement Analyst and Crime Analyst Technician. The primary purpose of the unit is to support the operations of the Sioux City Police Department.  This support includes; officer and community safety information and intelligence; criminal intelligence, and various other roles to assist in the apprehension and prosecution of criminals; investigations and patrol support activities; crime prevention and crime reduction strategies through monitoring and analysis of crime patterns and trends in Sioux City.

Crime Scene Investigators and Property

Sioux City Police Crime Scene Investigators (CSI) process crime scenes for physical evidence. They provide numerous crime scene processing functions including: photography, latent fingerprint recovery and analysis, DNA collection, FARO Focus 3D scanning, and marijuana collection and analysis. CSI handles thousands of calls per year. They also document and store crime and video evidence and are in charge of the police property system, and property disposal.

Fingerprinting - CSI provides fingerprinting services for the public at the Police Department, 601 Douglas St. The times that fingerprinting is available are walk-in only so there is no need to try to make an appointment. Fingerprinting is available Monday and Wednesdays from 10:00 am - 11:00 am and 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. There is a $10 flat fee for this service.

Property Room - The property room is open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday - Thursday and Friday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. The phone number for the property room is 712-279-6977.

Records Department

The Records Section is open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, 7 days a week including all holidays. Records Section personnel enter police reports, arrest histories, and abandoned vehicle information into the Department’s data base. Records technicians also verify and then transmit traffic accident reports and citations into the state system. In addition to the entry of reports, technicians also take reports involving accidents, and incident reports without suspects that are mostly reported for insurance purposes. Since the records room is staffed 365 days a year, the staff must be prepared to respond to a wide variety of citizen needs.

Records Section Contact Information

601 Douglas Sioux City, Iowa


Incident Reports and Camera Footage

Requests for public records such as police reports and camera footage can be made via GovQa. Click on the button or the link at the bottom of the page to access GovQa. The information you are requesting will be made available via GovQA when it is ready. Associated fees can be paid via that website.

Other forms that are available include:

  • Criminal History Reports for Woodbury County arrests for a fee. Requester must provide exact name, date of birth, and social security number of individual.

  • Accident Reports can be obtained by visiting

  • Driver Exchange Reports for accidents are free of charge.

Accident Reports

Copies of full accident reports are available at the front desk in the department’s lobby or online at There is a $10 fee for a copy of the report.

Officers collect this information routinely during traffic accident investigations. They can provide parties involved in an accident with a sheet containing the other driver’s name, contact information, and insurance company.

Impounded Vehicles and Trailers

Vehicles impounded due to abandonment are immediately assessed a $35 fee. Payment may be made 24 hours a day (by cash, check, or credit card) at the Customer Service Window of Police Headquarters. After making payment and providing a photo identification, a release form will be provided to the owner to claim the car from the impound. Vehicles impounded in relation to an arrest may be claimed in the same manner at no charge during the first 10 days of impoundment. After 10 days have passed, a $35 charge is imposed. Reminder: in addition to photo identification, proof of insurance, license, title, current registration or title, and a valid driver’s license are required to lawfully operate a motor vehicle. 


Subpoenas and open records requests are handled via GovQA. This is the same portal used to submit open records request. Create and account and submit the subpoena. The response to the subpoena will be provided via GovQA. There are fees associated with gathering this data.

Updated August 28, 2024