Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

NOTICE: Messages sent through the website are not monitored 24 hours a day. If you need to report a crime or need immediate assistance, call 712-279-6960.

If you have an emergency, call 911.

601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States


Specialty Units

Community Cultural Liaisons

In an effort to continue our outreach to all segments of our City, we have established a Community Cultural Liaison program (CCL).  Specific officers were chosen to serve as special representatives of the department.  These representatives are in place to allow members of the community who feel underserved by law enforcement a direct contact to the SCPD.

All individuals in our community who are seeking specific liaison assistance are encouraged to contact the CCL program.  Our officers are specifically trained to provide appropriate assistance to persons of all ages, from all national origins, of any race or ethnic background, religious belief or members of the LGBTQ community. Our LGBTQ Liaison is Mackenzie Neely.

The CCL officers represent the various backgrounds and beliefs of the community.

Primary functions of the CCL officers will be to build trust with citizens, address community concerns, and to serve as a representative of the department. CCL officers may even suggest department policy changes or training to assist SCPD staff to better deal with various diverse groups in the community.

The Sioux City Police Department understands the diversity of the community and is committed to ensuring that all members are equally represented and have the same access to all services provided.  Community Cultural Liaisons may be called upon to attend community policing events where specific representation is desired by various community groups or the department. The end goal of this program is to allow a direct channel to the department based on the choice and needs of the citizen.  


Crisis Negotiation Team

The Crisis Negotiation Team or CNT is made up of officers specially trained in responding to hostage situations or barricaded subjects and work to defuse these situations for a peaceful outcome.

Officers assigned to this special duty have demonstrated not only strong oral communication skills but also excellent listening skills. The unit was established in 1983 and was comprised of two officers.

Honor Guard & Bagpipes

In 2008, The Sioux City Police Department formed a official Honor Guard to perform at ceremonial Occasions as well as the annual Police Memorial Service. The Honor Guard consists officers from various backgrounds and with different skill levels.

They wear special dress uniforms and most often conduct flag ceremonies and presentations for different events in the community.  The Honor Guard often participates in the funerals for fallen officers or retired officers from the Police Department.



The Sioux City Police SWAT are trained and equipped to respond to high-risk situations. They work closely with the Crisis Negotiation Team to resolve situations peacefully.